India Shining...
M.S. Suresh
2004-03-11 11:33:12 UTC
USA and UK have recognized the power of India and its vast opulence of
skilled labour at low cost. USA has recognized that consumables and
textiles imported from India are of far superior quality than even their
local ones. Top IT and ITES companies in India have grown so much that
they can now compare themselves with the big 5/4 in "all" counts, making
India an IT and ITES superpower in the world. Joy and a moment of Pride
for patriotic Indians!

The well-known secret behind this "Globalization":
1. An american software developer gets around 80000 dollars per annum,
while the same job, if contracted offshore to an Indian developer, can
be done with a salary of 6000 dollars per annum - a little less than a
tenth paid to the american "counterpart".
2. Onsite rates at which consultants from AA, EDS... etc go are in the
range of 40$ to 120$ per hour, while the same job, if contracted to an
Indian company sending its "ass-ociate" onsite with an H1 or an L1, can
be done for 20$ to 80$ per hour.
3. Exported products, (like Coffee, Sugar, Cotton... to name a few) if
available in India, cost more, not because they are "good", but because
they are "export quality".
4. Quarterly earnings of the leading IT and ITES companies in India
sometimes fall short of their guidance value; because the dollar loses
to the rupee.
5. No, let us leave this Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds and Monsanto for
another session.

Once upon a time, there were four rascals - A, B, C and D. All of them
hated each other and had their own territories for doing their business
- looting public money. Suddenly and Lo, A and B joined together and so
did C and D. Let us give them a name - "coalition partners" AB and CD.
For quite some time, AB and CD were doing good business - looting public
money - and everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo, A and C joined
together and so did B and D. Okay, relax, have faith in Nature, and
rename them as "coalition partners" AC and BD. Again, the business is
good - looting public money - everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo,
"seeds" from A, B, C and D start sprouting, and newborns come unto this
world - let us call them E, F, G and H. The cycle repeats, this time,
among 8 of them instead of 4, with a "matrix" relationship with all
possible perms and combs. This time, in addition to minding their own
business - looting public money - A, B, C, D, E, F and G do another
interesting job: listing out criminal allegations against each other.

Hey, who said anything is wrong? Of course, India is shining! It is how
you see it. Everything is a state of mind.


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Yamanoor Srihari
2004-03-11 18:42:38 UTC
Politics is dirty everywhere. In fact, before accusing the politicians, I want every Indian to ask himself if he was able to get a ration card or a driver's license without paying a bribe. If he did pay bribe, then why did he (or she) not try to resist? Don't feign compulsions...as the politicians do it anyway..


"M.S. Suresh" <imperial_blade-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
USA and UK have recognized the power of India and its vast opulence of
skilled labour at low cost. USA has recognized that consumables and
textiles imported from India are of far superior quality than even their
local ones. Top IT and ITES companies in India have grown so much that
they can now compare themselves with the big 5/4 in "all" counts, making
India an IT and ITES superpower in the world. Joy and a moment of Pride
for patriotic Indians!

The well-known secret behind this "Globalization":
1. An american software developer gets around 80000 dollars per annum,
while the same job, if contracted offshore to an Indian developer, can
be done with a salary of 6000 dollars per annum - a little less than a
tenth paid to the american "counterpart".
2. Onsite rates at which consultants from AA, EDS... etc go are in the
range of 40$ to 120$ per hour, while the same job, if contracted to an
Indian company sending its "ass-ociate" onsite with an H1 or an L1, can
be done for 20$ to 80$ per hour.
3. Exported products, (like Coffee, Sugar, Cotton... to name a few) if
available in India, cost more, not because they are "good", but because
they are "export quality".
4. Quarterly earnings of the leading IT and ITES companies in India
sometimes fall short of their guidance value; because the dollar loses
to the rupee.
5. No, let us leave this Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds and Monsanto for
another session.

Once upon a time, there were four rascals - A, B, C and D. All of them
hated each other and had their own territories for doing their business
- looting public money. Suddenly and Lo, A and B joined together and so
did C and D. Let us give them a name - "coalition partners" AB and CD.
For quite some time, AB and CD were doing good business - looting public
money - and everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo, A and C joined
together and so did B and D. Okay, relax, have faith in Nature, and
rename them as "coalition partners" AC and BD. Again, the business is
good - looting public money - everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo,
"seeds" from A, B, C and D start sprouting, and newborns come unto this
world - let us call them E, F, G and H. The cycle repeats, this time,
among 8 of them instead of 4, with a "matrix" relationship with all
possible perms and combs. This time, in addition to minding their own
business - looting public money - A, B, C, D, E, F and G do another
interesting job: listing out criminal allegations against each other.

Hey, who said anything is wrong? Of course, India is shining! It is how
you see it. Everything is a state of mind.


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La vie..



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Varun Venkateswaran
2004-03-11 20:08:43 UTC
I am no expert in economics, I cant really prove why there is such a disparity in income levels between two countries for the same job.
But I have heard of something called PPP-Purchasing power parity. which takes into account the living standards and purchasing power of a nation. I think pay rates are based on this. Of course, I may be wrong. Correct me if i am , because i am no authority on this but i believe my basic argument is right.
Pay for indian workers are commensurate to the living standards in India, with 20$ an hour an Indian can live with the same comfort in India as an American worker earning say $ 40(this is just a comparision, the values are not exact in anyway). I have heard a senior bank executive talking about this PPP factor, he said it is something like 1:5 to 1:10 between US and India, so a product that is $1 in US maynot be Rs. 45 (which it should be if one takes the exchange rate) but it will be like Rs.5 to 10.
In absolute exchange rates this is profitable to american companies that outsource jobs, that is why they do, but no raw deal is meted out to Indian workers, it is a win-win situation. Set aside nations, politics, partiotism this is what businesses will always try to do - to get the best product in the cheapest manner possible and thereby make a neat profit. In today's scenario India may fit the bill. But tomorrow, when cost of living rises in India the companies may move elsewhere. So, Indian economy should not be based solely on outsourcing money, but there is nothing wrong in exploiting it.


Yamanoor Srihari <yamanoor-/***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Politics is dirty everywhere. In fact, before accusing the politicians, I want every Indian to ask himself if he was able to get a ration card or a driver's license without paying a bribe. If he did pay bribe, then why did he (or she) not try to resist? Don't feign compulsions...as the politicians do it anyway..


"M.S. Suresh" <imperial_blade-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
USA and UK have recognized the power of India and its vast opulence of
skilled labour at low cost. USA has recognized that consumables and
textiles imported from India are of far superior quality than even their
local ones. Top IT and ITES companies in India have grown so much that
they can now compare themselves with the big 5/4 in "all" counts, making
India an IT and ITES superpower in the world. Joy and a moment of Pride
for patriotic Indians!

The well-known secret behind this "Globalization":
1. An american software developer gets around 80000 dollars per annum,
while the same job, if contracted offshore to an Indian developer, can
be done with a salary of 6000 dollars per annum - a little less than a
tenth paid to the american "counterpart".
2. Onsite rates at which consultants from AA, EDS... etc go are in the
range of 40$ to 120$ per hour, while the same job, if contracted to an
Indian company sending its "ass-ociate" onsite with an H1 or an L1, can
be done for 20$ to 80$ per hour.
3. Exported products, (like Coffee, Sugar, Cotton... to name a few) if
available in India, cost more, not because they are "good", but because
they are "export quality".
4. Quarterly earnings of the leading IT and ITES companies in India
sometimes fall short of their guidance value; because the dollar loses
to the rupee.
5. No, let us leave this Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds and Monsanto for
another session.

Once upon a time, there were four rascals - A, B, C and D. All of them
hated each other and had their own territories for doing their business
- looting public money. Suddenly and Lo, A and B joined together and so
did C and D. Let us give them a name - "coalition partners" AB and CD.
For quite some time, AB and CD were doing good business - looting public
money - and everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo, A and C joined
together and so did B and D. Okay, relax, have faith in Nature, and
rename them as "coalition partners" AC and BD. Again, the business is
good - looting public money - everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo,
"seeds" from A, B, C and D start sprouting, and newborns come unto this
world - let us call them E, F, G and H. The cycle repeats, this time,
among 8 of them instead of 4, with a "matrix" relationship with all
possible perms and combs. This time, in addition to minding their own
business - looting public money - A, B, C, D, E, F and G do another
interesting job: listing out criminal allegations against each other.

Hey, who said anything is wrong? Of course, India is shining! It is how
you see it. Everything is a state of mind.


La vie..



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Senthil Arun G S
2004-03-12 01:47:11 UTC
This mite or mite not work out well with every one ...

but i have to confess i paid Rs. 400 to get my
international license, i didn't even think about not
paying the bribe and realized only when i knew that my
friend had got the same paper work done with the
minimum charge (no bribe - < Rs. 10 if i remember

May be there are a few more senthils around

All Senthils should think before doing such things
May be we dont have to pay the bribe

Post by Yamanoor Srihari
Politics is dirty everywhere. In fact, before
accusing the politicians, I want every Indian to ask
himself if he was able to get a ration card or a
driver's license without paying a bribe. If he did
pay bribe, then why did he (or she) not try to
resist? Don't feign compulsions...as the politicians
do it anyway..
USA and UK have recognized the power of India and
its vast opulence of
skilled labour at low cost. USA has recognized that
consumables and
textiles imported from India are of far superior
quality than even their
local ones. Top IT and ITES companies in India have
grown so much that
they can now compare themselves with the big 5/4 in
"all" counts, making
India an IT and ITES superpower in the world. Joy
and a moment of Pride
for patriotic Indians!
1. An american software developer gets around 80000
dollars per annum,
while the same job, if contracted offshore to an
Indian developer, can
be done with a salary of 6000 dollars per annum - a
little less than a
tenth paid to the american "counterpart".
2. Onsite rates at which consultants from AA, EDS...
etc go are in the
range of 40$ to 120$ per hour, while the same job,
if contracted to an
Indian company sending its "ass-ociate" onsite with
an H1 or an L1, can
be done for 20$ to 80$ per hour.
3. Exported products, (like Coffee, Sugar, Cotton...
to name a few) if
available in India, cost more, not because they are
"good", but because
they are "export quality".
4. Quarterly earnings of the leading IT and ITES
companies in India
sometimes fall short of their guidance value;
because the dollar loses
to the rupee.
5. No, let us leave this Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds
and Monsanto for
another session.
Once upon a time, there were four rascals - A, B, C
and D. All of them
hated each other and had their own territories for
doing their business
- looting public money. Suddenly and Lo, A and B
joined together and so
did C and D. Let us give them a name - "coalition
partners" AB and CD.
For quite some time, AB and CD were doing good
business - looting public
money - and everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo, A
and C joined
together and so did B and D. Okay, relax, have faith
in Nature, and
rename them as "coalition partners" AC and BD.
Again, the business is
good - looting public money - everything was fine.
Suddenly and Lo,
"seeds" from A, B, C and D start sprouting, and
newborns come unto this
world - let us call them E, F, G and H. The cycle
repeats, this time,
among 8 of them instead of 4, with a "matrix"
relationship with all
possible perms and combs. This time, in addition to
minding their own
business - looting public money - A, B, C, D, E, F
and G do another
interesting job: listing out criminal allegations
against each other.
Hey, who said anything is wrong? Of course, India is
shining! It is how
you see it. Everything is a state of mind.
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Sundaresan Krishnaswami
2004-03-11 20:24:24 UTC
Once upon a time I bribed "Yes". now, "No" to the central govt employees.
Why? http://www.dpg.bharatsarkar.nic.in/

File a complaint today -> wait for three to four days, some senior level
employee, may be, even the CMD of the public sector company may contact

I hope state govts should also be having such grievances sites to help

Suresh: What did this globalization really do to India? Did it really
help those 40% below poverty line to cross the line?


On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 10:42:38 -0800 (PST), "Yamanoor Srihari"
Post by Yamanoor Srihari
Politics is dirty everywhere. In fact, before accusing the politicians, I
want every Indian to ask himself if he was able to get a ration card or a
driver's license without paying a bribe. If he did pay bribe, then why
did he (or she) not try to resist? Don't feign compulsions...as the
politicians do it anyway..
USA and UK have recognized the power of India and its vast opulence of
skilled labour at low cost. USA has recognized that consumables and
textiles imported from India are of far superior quality than even their
local ones. Top IT and ITES companies in India have grown so much that
they can now compare themselves with the big 5/4 in "all" counts, making
India an IT and ITES superpower in the world. Joy and a moment of Pride
for patriotic Indians!
1. An american software developer gets around 80000 dollars per annum,
while the same job, if contracted offshore to an Indian developer, can
be done with a salary of 6000 dollars per annum - a little less than a
tenth paid to the american "counterpart".
2. Onsite rates at which consultants from AA, EDS... etc go are in the
range of 40$ to 120$ per hour, while the same job, if contracted to an
Indian company sending its "ass-ociate" onsite with an H1 or an L1, can
be done for 20$ to 80$ per hour.
3. Exported products, (like Coffee, Sugar, Cotton... to name a few) if
available in India, cost more, not because they are "good", but because
they are "export quality".
4. Quarterly earnings of the leading IT and ITES companies in India
sometimes fall short of their guidance value; because the dollar loses
to the rupee.
5. No, let us leave this Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds and Monsanto for
another session.
Once upon a time, there were four rascals - A, B, C and D. All of them
hated each other and had their own territories for doing their business
- looting public money. Suddenly and Lo, A and B joined together and so
did C and D. Let us give them a name - "coalition partners" AB and CD.
For quite some time, AB and CD were doing good business - looting public
money - and everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo, A and C joined
together and so did B and D. Okay, relax, have faith in Nature, and
rename them as "coalition partners" AC and BD. Again, the business is
good - looting public money - everything was fine. Suddenly and Lo,
"seeds" from A, B, C and D start sprouting, and newborns come unto this
world - let us call them E, F, G and H. The cycle repeats, this time,
among 8 of them instead of 4, with a "matrix" relationship with all
possible perms and combs. This time, in addition to minding their own
business - looting public money - A, B, C, D, E, F and G do another
interesting job: listing out criminal allegations against each other.
Hey, who said anything is wrong? Of course, India is shining! It is how
you see it. Everything is a state of mind.
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