conv. between Srihari<>MSS
M.S. Suresh
2004-03-09 19:19:27 UTC
hello srihari, thanks for your email.

oh yeah, the discussion does seem to go on, your response bringing a smile on my face. given the context of our interactions in our e-group, i write lightly and conversationally, whilst you seem to write quite thoughtfully; may be i should get used to your way of writing.

with a hope to wake up a few others in our group, i am writing my response to you to this group. hope you don't mind.

what is unfortunate by all counts indeed is that there are a lot of people who talk big about what is wrong in/with india; all they end up doing, by doing so, is either get a commendation, a degree, a raise in the salary, or pursue other self interests - like these miss worlds and universes who at the time of getting the crowns want to do something for the orphans and destitute women, while after getting the crowns, end up becoming actresses. unfortunate indeed.

some of the people you refer to (as those who never leave india) - will never leave india; even if they do, they will never return to india; atleast this has been the case with two of my acquaintances - one is happily settled down in pennsyl., and the other is lounging in a hotel in manhattan. calling these, or the others, who return to india (after their abroad tenure/studies/...) as value addition, IMHO, would be an arrogant (if not ignorant) presumption; even if they returned, their claim to want to do good to india would suffer the same condemnation likewise.

about myself - eventhough you did not ask for it - is that my professional life gives me a more profound perspective about life abroad, than a guy who claims to have studied an MS for two years in the US/UK or who claims to be working in an IT company for ten years in the lake area. no, this is not arrogant presumption, just a practical experience that helps me deal deftly with the day to day scenarios; no, i am not referring to the ability to hire a taxi in new york or making a bargain purchase in hong kong.

likewise, during my school and college days, i have participated in countless discussion forums and inter-school/college competitions, made presentations and participated in debates - about all those profound issues that we all talk tall about. "unfortunately" they remained just that. all colourful english such as "bringing about an internal change in the attitudes and minds of the people" - pointless, unfortunately indeed.

let me ask you a really simple question: these people - arundhati roy, amartya sen et al - just who are they and what value addition do they do, apart from participating in big conferences, presenting big papers... etc., getting ferried in limousines to their 5star suites and returning to their cozy homes at the end of the day?

what happened in the world social forum in bombay might have been a noisy mayhem, a journalistic hoohah; but what dictates and runs this world is what happens in the world economic forum, amidst all those protests by those anti-globalizationists. unfortunate indeed.

has the discussion stopped here?


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Sundaresan Krishnaswami
2004-03-10 05:17:51 UTC
Hi MS,

I haven't read the entire discussion. But since you had asked about
Prakash's opinion, I still have to discuss with him. He is by and large
attracted towards the 'Red' community, that is what I can infer.

According to me, if I can someway keep my bike safe from those hazardous
bumps and pits then I can vote for that govt who lays safe roads? I am a
true Indian who pay road tax, income tax, life tax, lifeless tax, sunrise
tax, sunset tax and not to forget the moon tax.

But as far as I know, I have fought with the government. I have made
General Managers to eat mud, begging me to withdraw my petitions from the
central cabinet.

If every Indian will turn against his or her egos and start to fight with
every government employee (but only if you find them to be corrupt), I
think we can straighten atleast the employees from corruption.

Lets take a step forward. Lets think ten times before we vote. Let the
discussion move on.

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 00:49:27 +0530, "M.S. Suresh"
Post by M.S. Suresh
hello srihari, thanks for your email.
oh yeah, the discussion does seem to go on, your response bringing a
smile on my face. given the context of our interactions in our e-group, i
write lightly and conversationally, whilst you seem to write quite
thoughtfully; may be i should get used to your way of writing.
with a hope to wake up a few others in our group, i am writing my
response to you to this group. hope you don't mind.
what is unfortunate by all counts indeed is that there are a lot of
people who talk big about what is wrong in/with india; all they end up
doing, by doing so, is either get a commendation, a degree, a raise in
the salary, or pursue other self interests - like these miss worlds and
universes who at the time of getting the crowns want to do something for
the orphans and destitute women, while after getting the crowns, end up
becoming actresses. unfortunate indeed.
some of the people you refer to (as those who never leave india) - will
never leave india; even if they do, they will never return to india;
atleast this has been the case with two of my acquaintances - one is
happily settled down in pennsyl., and the other is lounging in a hotel in
manhattan. calling these, or the others, who return to india (after their
abroad tenure/studies/...) as value addition, IMHO, would be an arrogant
(if not ignorant) presumption; even if they returned, their claim to want
to do good to india would suffer the same condemnation likewise.
about myself - eventhough you did not ask for it - is that my
professional life gives me a more profound perspective about life abroad,
than a guy who claims to have studied an MS for two years in the US/UK or
who claims to be working in an IT company for ten years in the lake area.
no, this is not arrogant presumption, just a practical experience that
helps me deal deftly with the day to day scenarios; no, i am not
referring to the ability to hire a taxi in new york or making a bargain
purchase in hong kong.
likewise, during my school and college days, i have participated in
countless discussion forums and inter-school/college competitions, made
presentations and participated in debates - about all those profound
issues that we all talk tall about. "unfortunately" they remained just
that. all colourful english such as "bringing about an internal change in
the attitudes and minds of the people" - pointless, unfortunately indeed.
let me ask you a really simple question: these people - arundhati roy,
amartya sen et al - just who are they and what value addition do they do,
apart from participating in big conferences, presenting big papers...
etc., getting ferried in limousines to their 5star suites and returning
to their cozy homes at the end of the day?
what happened in the world social forum in bombay might have been a noisy
mayhem, a journalistic hoohah; but what dictates and runs this world is
what happens in the world economic forum, amidst all those protests by
those anti-globalizationists. unfortunate indeed.
has the discussion stopped here?
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Yamanoor Srihari
2004-03-15 06:55:05 UTC
Dear Suresh,

People get parts of culture inculcated into them. But then exceptions prove the rule, and we always have stray sheep... People who would never make it in time for appointments will dare not be late when in the US. They might inculcate this activity consciously or unconsciously and this will probably hold out when they get back - this is just my example, doesn't mean that everyone who returns needs to behave this way. One of my friends is right now in Japan for three months. He has picked up a lot of details on the Japanese life style, which I am sure he will adapt.

Arundathi Roy and people like her are the exceptions. If we based our decisions on people like her then we will never appreciate going to foreign lands. Part of US success in business and creativity comes in from trying to pick up what other people have in terms of thought, creativity, skills and so on.

Whats wrong with doing so in India, with Indians? I would go by the rule, rather than the exception. So, I do stand by my thema of value addition..


"M.S. Suresh" <imperial_blade-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
hello srihari, thanks for your email.

oh yeah, the discussion does seem to go on, your response bringing a smile on my face. given the context of our interactions in our e-group, i write lightly and conversationally, whilst you seem to write quite thoughtfully; may be i should get used to your way of writing.

with a hope to wake up a few others in our group, i am writing my response to you to this group. hope you don't mind.

what is unfortunate by all counts indeed is that there are a lot of people who talk big about what is wrong in/with india; all they end up doing, by doing so, is either get a commendation, a degree, a raise in the salary, or pursue other self interests - like these miss worlds and universes who at the time of getting the crowns want to do something for the orphans and destitute women, while after getting the crowns, end up becoming actresses. unfortunate indeed.

some of the people you refer to (as those who never leave india) - will never leave india; even if they do, they will never return to india; atleast this has been the case with two of my acquaintances - one is happily settled down in pennsyl., and the other is lounging in a hotel in manhattan. calling these, or the others, who return to india (after their abroad tenure/studies/...) as value addition, IMHO, would be an arrogant (if not ignorant) presumption; even if they returned, their claim to want to do good to india would suffer the same condemnation likewise.

about myself - eventhough you did not ask for it - is that my professional life gives me a more profound perspective about life abroad, than a guy who claims to have studied an MS for two years in the US/UK or who claims to be working in an IT company for ten years in the lake area. no, this is not arrogant presumption, just a practical experience that helps me deal deftly with the day to day scenarios; no, i am not referring to the ability to hire a taxi in new york or making a bargain purchase in hong kong.

likewise, during my school and college days, i have participated in countless discussion forums and inter-school/college competitions, made presentations and participated in debates - about all those profound issues that we all talk tall about. "unfortunately" they remained just that. all colourful english such as "bringing about an internal change in the attitudes and minds of the people" - pointless, unfortunately indeed.

let me ask you a really simple question: these people - arundhati roy, amartya sen et al - just who are they and what value addition do they do, apart from participating in big conferences, presenting big papers... etc., getting ferried in limousines to their 5star suites and returning to their cozy homes at the end of the day?

what happened in the world social forum in bombay might have been a noisy mayhem, a journalistic hoohah; but what dictates and runs this world is what happens in the world economic forum, amidst all those protests by those anti-globalizationists. unfortunate indeed.

has the discussion stopped here?


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