Inspired by ethics? Enter the SciDev.Net competition
Yamanoor Srihari
2004-03-22 21:39:31 UTC
Please forward this message to people who are working on clinical trials in developing countries.


"SciDev.Net" <info-TcquYCqug5CsTnJN9+***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 12:20:38 +0000 (GMT)
From: "SciDev.Net"
To: yamanoor-/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Inspired by ethics? Enter the SciDev.Net competition

SciDev.Net’s ethics essay competition

Win £150 and have your entry published on http://www.scidev.net!

Are you involved in clinical trials in developing countries or know of someone who is?

Dear Colleague,

As a user who has expressed an interest in the ethics of medical research, you may be interested to hear that we are running a competition to tap into new thinking about the ethical issues surrounding clinical trials in the developing world. We are searching for high-quality, forward-looking, original articles that either discuss a novel issue or offer a fresh perspective on a current issue relating to research ethics in developing countries.

Depending on experience, you (or a friend/colleague) might like to write about informed consent, what happens when the research is over, standards of care or the ethical review process. Whatever your point of view, so long as it is coherent, refers to your own experiences and is contextually grounded, we'd like to hear from you. The competition is open to all those directly engaged in clinical research in developing countries.

To get inspired, and to see the kind of material we are looking for, visit the ethics dossier (http://www.scidev.net/ethics).

Then submit a brief proposal (not more than 150 words long) explaining the ethical issues addressed, why this is important and future directions. If you are shortlisted, you will be given a month to write a full version of the article (750-1,000 words). Up to three winning entries will be selected, peer reviewed, professionally edited and then published on the SciDev.Net website.

Don't delay, get writing! The deadline for submitting essay outlines is 12 April 2004.

Please pass this message on to anyone you think might be interested in applying.

We look forward to hearing from you
 and good luck!

For full guidelines and our online entry form go to http://www.scidev.net/ethics/essay. If you have any queries, please contact mailto:dossiers-***@public.gmane.org

Many thanks,

The SciDev.Net team.

La vie..



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