hellos to the members of this group...
Suresh, M.S.
2004-02-12 19:36:06 UTC
Dear Friends:

May i begin with a big Hello to the members of this group, and thank
Sundaresan for his introducing me to this group.

To briefly introduce myself, i am a management graduate, a trilingual
(english/tamil/french), presently heading the operations in a company
in Chennai, teaching foreign languages and inter cultural courses to
individuals and corporate clients; i am 34 this year - too old to be
called a guy, too young to be a grandfather... and no, no prejudices
to older "guys" who "feel young" and others who think that age is only
a thing for the body and not for the mind! :)

Besides, i was wondering if the following subject threads are of
interest to the members of this group:

1. Written communication in English - of Indians, Americans and
2. "The US Effect".
3. A profile of the student community in India - economic,
intellectual, psychological and sociological.

With my best regards,


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2004-02-13 07:58:28 UTC
Welcome aboard.


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Yamanoor Srihari
2004-02-15 06:11:33 UTC
Dear Suresh,

All topics pertaining to India are more than welcome. So please feel free to express yourself. It is indeed a pleasure to have you with us. Thanks indeed, for the introduction. I speak a bit of French, and would love some tete - a - tete now and then!

Hoping to hear from you soon,


"Suresh, M.S." <enterprise9-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Dear Friends:

May i begin with a big Hello to the members of this group, and thank
Sundaresan for his introducing me to this group.

To briefly introduce myself, i am a management graduate, a trilingual
(english/tamil/french), presently heading the operations in a company
in Chennai, teaching foreign languages and inter cultural courses to
individuals and corporate clients; i am 34 this year - too old to be
called a guy, too young to be a grandfather... and no, no prejudices
to older "guys" who "feel young" and others who think that age is only
a thing for the body and not for the mind! :)

Besides, i was wondering if the following subject threads are of
interest to the members of this group:

1. Written communication in English - of Indians, Americans and
2. "The US Effect".
3. A profile of the student community in India - economic,
intellectual, psychological and sociological.

With my best regards,


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La vie..



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